Thursday, March 12, 2009

And what's that?

Well it typically involves working Sundays. Like every Sunday, every week.

But that's not all that goes in to being a bitch for one of the biggest construction companies in DC. Oh there's quite a lot, which is what this will be all about. But first, what you first need to know.

I work as an assistant superintendent with one of the five largest construction companies in the DC Metro area. I am in the construction industry out of sheer laziness. As in English major, I couldn't tell a screwgun from a verb, but I worked for the company one summer pushing a broom and they just kept offering me jobs. I didn't have to look anywhere, so I didn't.

The construction industry is basically a clusterfuck of uneducated people and assholes, who are usually one in the same. Actually almost always.

A month ago I got thrown into one of the largest projects going on in DC, a $70 million dollar renovation of one of the city's oldest hotel. My company has over 20 people working on the project, and I am currently 20th in both rank and likability. I constantly get bitched and blamed for things that one, have no merit and two, no point. The latest is that two guys, 15 and 14 in my own personal company power rankings, frequently complain to our boss that I leave the lock off our private port o' potty. I don't, but even if I did I don't understand the ramifications of someone else pooping in our personal stall. Perhaps all hell will break loose. Probably not.

And this is just a brief smattering. The hotel's slated to open June 7th, 87 days from now. I'd like to give you 87 stories of the innane life that comes from working 7 days a week with people that can barely count to three but are expected to build an 11 story, 5-star hotel in under three months.

Wish me luck, but wish them luck more.

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